Monday, April 13, 2009

Though thinking about site ideas is fun, and images are easy because I can just go take more photos if necessary, I've realized that there are a couple other considerations for this web site too:

First, maps. A walking tour site is hardly complete--or at least isn't very helpful--without maps. But what maps should I use? Can I use maps from Google if I attribute them? Should I go get historic (public domain) maps from the Free Library or somewhere? Those would be cool to look at but also potentially confusing if the geography has changed from when the maps were made. Or should I try to "draw" my own feeble maps using a program like Adobe Acrobat, MS Publisher, Paint, or something like that?

Another thing that I have yet to think about is the "color palette" for the site. I don't think this will be a major concern, but there are a few different ways I could go that will change how the site looks and feels. Should I use browns and tans to evoke something historic? Greens to evoke parks, trees, and strolling generally? White and blues to evoke water, sky, and/or patriotism? Greys and brick reds for buildings? I'm leaning just toward tans as a base color, because I like brown (obviously) and because it seems unobtrusive and comforting. Though greys are too. Hmm. Actually I suppose each tour can look slightly different, so I'll probably combine tans/greys/whites with whatever more interesting color seems best for that tour.


  1. In my mind, no question about it at all: use Google maps. The way they have you embed the maps (which is quite easy - they do all the coding for you!) links it back to them. You're not claiming credit for the creation of their own maps, so you're pretty much good to go!

    As for colors, I would look at any photos you might be planning on using within the website, or maybe one you might use as a consistent header or something, and pick a palette based upon that.

  2. The Google map idea is probably the easiest and may be the easiest to read. You could try to get digital images of maps and then doctor them up marking route and sites.

    You mention Stenton. There used to be a bus tour of all the colonial mansions in Germantown/North Philly. I don't know if it's still running. Asher of Asher's candy started it.

  3. Yeah although the idea of using historical maps is really cool, Google maps would be the easiest and probably most useful.
