Monday, March 30, 2009

"First post" (introduction)

I'm Shaun; I'm in my third term in the Library and Information Science (MSLIS) program at Drexel. I work part-time as an archives assistant for an insurance company in Old City Philadelphia, at 5th and Walnut. I work with their historical records. The company itself isn't very old (founded 1985), but it has acquired companies that are much older...including one that was founded in Old City in 1792! So most of the archives are from that company, and includes some fun material.

My career plans are to continue working in public history in a more professional-level library- or archives-related job. A museum library or archives would be ideal, but an academic or historical society setting would work well also. Of course, if my current job would become full-time I could stay there for a while too...I do love working a block from Independence Hall.

Three sites I often visit: for Philadelphia news, events, and sports to read updates on folks who span my life from 5th grade to the present to read movie reviews and summaries from people other than critics, or to do research on movie history for fun (such as, "I wonder what my favorite movie is from 1947?")